The PetroPrime Way
The PetroPrime Way explains who we are, what we do and tells about our plans. It gives us the idea of those who are cooperated with us.

Our mission is to create a stable business based on the principles of corporate management, financial well-being and social responsibility. We also aim to promote the development of small and medium business in Kazakhstan.
We see PetroPrime as a global energy company where the most proud of their people, mutually profitable partnership and high rate of productivity.
- are engaged in provision of energy resources for steady economic progress and development of society
- are people and organization with the highest degree of responsibility;
- gain the trust of our customers, society and our employees by the achievement of objectives;
- provide first-class service;
- are worthy of your choice.

The foundation of our company is built on our values which distinguish us and aimed to guide our actions.
We do our business socially responsible and ethically.
We respect the law, support universal human rights, protect the environment and act in the interests of the society everywhere we work.
Core values and life plans of PetroPrime employees can be largely realized through efficiency improvement, growth and development of the business. Therefore, the prospects of our business are the prospects of each of us.
To the extent that PetroPrime will be successful to the extent that qualification, income, career, satisfaction with their work and the atmosphere in the team of employees will grow. In other words, interests of our people are directly associated with Company’s objectives.
Our main objective is to maintain a stable growth of the company.
We believe that oil will remain as very necessary energy resource for decades.
Our role is an effective supply of energy sources without causing of environmental damage.
We do a first-rate job and hold a leading position in the competitive environment.
We work closely with our customers and partners for more efficient organization of supply of raw materials.
Development of the units of the Company is based on two groups of company-wide values:
Basic values
– Purposefulness;
– Teamness (cohesion);
– Tempo (time value)
Higher values
– Innovations;
– Customer focus;
– Competitiveness
We are honest with ourselves and others. We act in accordance with the highest ethical standards of business conduct. We keep our word. We are responsible for our actions.
We trust our colleagues, customers and partners.
We learn new from all that surrounds us. We value and show respect for the individuality of each person.
We always look for the new opportunities and innovative solutions for efficiency improvement. We use our creativity to find at times unexpected but qualitatively new ways of problem solving. Our experience, technologies and perseverance allow us to overcome the difficulties.
We strive to be a good partner focused on efficiency and productivity in cooperation with state institutions, partners and customers.
Protection of people and the environment
We are very attentive to the protection of the health of our employees and the environment.
We are committed to our work and everyday work on improvement of all processes for achievement of better results. We achieve results and exceed our own and other people’s expectations.