Business ethics

Ethics is an integral part of our way of doing business.

We are committed to high ethical standards in our “Body of behavioral norms”. It is based on our values and clarifies the principles of our work in the company.

We are determined to do so that PetroPrime Company will be known for its high standards in relation to business ethic. Relations with partners built on trust are important to us. We expect that our partners also will be attentive to following of all ethical norms and standards. We would like to work with those who share with us the desire to follow ethical standards.

+ more than 150 companies throughout the Republic

Оперативное, безопасное и экономически эффективное обеспечение потребителей нефтепродуктами высокого качества. Скачать Презентацию в PDF

Prompt, safe and cost-effective provision of high-quality petroleum products to consumers. Download the Presentation in PDF