Human Rights

Human rights policy of our company is based on the compliance with the requirements prescribed in the body of rules of conduct and treatment of people in our company – with all those with whom we work.
Human rights management
We respect legislation law, promote human rights and protect the environment through our work.
Human rights policy in PetroPrime
This policy refers to the body of behavioral norms. Moreover we provide training at all levels of work in order to raise the awareness of human rights among employees.
We strongly demand from our partners the observance of norms and principles prescribed in the International Labor Organization. The principles include: freedom of association, the rights of collective problem solving, exception of forced labor performance, abolition of child labor and discrimination at the workplace. Moreover we often hold meetings on respect of human rights and raise of the awareness.

Industrial Safety
Our approach is built on the experience of our colleagues, industrial inspections, annual risk reviews an on the basis of information of world practices.

Every day our employees work for the preservation and improvement of the environment.