Fuel is a very important element in the performance of transport engines. The availability of transport for a person allows him to make life more comfortable at times, namely, to move around the ground space with convenience and speed.
The auto industry has reached unimaginable proportions recently, technological progress has become very developed and its achievements simplify people's lives every time. Cars can be very different, just like the fuel they are refueled with. The transition to electric vehicles is now very actively beginning, but this innovation will not soon grow everywhere, so oil fuel will be the most popular for a long time.
One of the types of such energy source is Diesel Fuel DF-W-C4. Such fuel is intended for refueling vehicles with engines operating on the principle of compression. The letter W in the abbreviation of the name indicates that this particular DF is used in cold season conditions and in places with a harsh climate. But the combination of C4 symbolizes the ecological class of the petroleum product.
The DF is powered by a vehicle whose engine is called diesel. In it, the mixture formation takes place in the combustion chamber. Fuel, in a certain dose, is injected under high pressure into the combustion chamber. During compression, the heated air and diesel fuel react, and then the ignition of the working mixture begins. Diesel trains, motor buses, agricultural and military equipment, as well as buses and passenger cars with diesel engines operate on the DF. Diesel fuel DF-W-C4 is also used for refueling specialized equipment in Arctic conditions, as well as in cold climates. This type of fuel freezes at lower temperatures and tolerates the cold much better without losing its main qualities.

In order to obtain this type of fuel, pure oil is required. It is placed in columns specially made for the process, and then they begin to heat it. The heating temperature of oil in the production of diesel fuel starts from 180 and ends with 360 degrees Celsius. The essence of obtaining DF is the distillation of oil. After the contents in the columns reach the required temperature, it begins to evaporate, but the sediment at the bottom will be diesel fuel. But its number is only a quarter of the total. The rest is extracted by cracking.

Diesel Fuel DF-W-C4 has such properties as:
– low temperature fluidity;
– flammability;
– evaporation rate.
For those who are interested in purchasing this fuel, you can refer to the range of the company PetroPrime, on the official website of which there is all the detailed information and the opportunity to order the product online.