
Humanity is developing incredibly fast. A very serious achievement in technical progress is mechanical engineering, which allows a person to achieve great convenience. Of course, any transport requires proper care. It is very important to maintain the normal performance of a vehicle, including specialized equipment, this fuel. Fuel can be divided into a variety of categories and have its own characteristics.
A very common fuel is AI. By itself, the abbreviation AI stands for a type of gasoline. The letter "A" indicates that this type of fuel is intended for servicing road transport. But the letter "I" is an indicator that a research method was used to determine the octane number. Gasoline AI-95 is one of the most common.
Gasoline AI-95, as a winter type, is very widespread in the territories of the North, all-season, and in other territories in the cold season. Summer gasoline, as an all-season, is distributed mainly in the south, but already in warm seasons almost everywhere, except in the northern regions. AI-95 is designed for refueling cars. It is produced according to GOST 51105-97 and has an octane number, which is determined by the motor method at the level of 85 units.

AI-95 gasoline is very popular. This oil product is obtained by catalytic reforming. Its 20% is subjected to special chemical processes, as a result of which a fraction of 110oC-KK is released. Subsequently, the resulting fraction is mixed together with catalytic reforming gasoline, alkylate and isomerizate in an amount of 25, 30, 40, 5% of the total weight of the product, respectively. Gasoline AI-95, manufactured according to GOST, is produced using additives.

This type of fuel, like AI-95, is particularly resistant to detonation, which is significantly higher than that of AI-92 gasoline. Most gasoline manufacturers produce AI-95 fuel of the “Extra” and “Premium” class. The main technical characteristics of this oil product include:
complete absence of lead;
the presence of additives.
The main task of additives is to increase the speed and efficiency of the combustion process of the product so that the maximum return occurs, as they say, “on wheels”, which allows the vehicle to minimize the actual fuel consumption for a certain period of time.
If you are interested in purchasing this particular type of petroleum product, then we can recommend contacting the company PetroPrime. Gasoline AI-95 is in the assortment of this company and is produced with the highest quality index.