
Today we will talk about such a brand of fuel as gasoline AI-80. It is a mixture of unleaded motor fuel obtained by distillation of crude oil. Unleaded means that there are no dangerous additives from metal compounds (such as tetraethyl lead).
This brand is very widely used both in agricultural conditions and in everyday life. For example, with this type of gasoline, you can safely refuel chainsaws, old cars (UAZ, GAZ), as well as motorcycles. Therefore, it is more important than ever to choose the fuel that suits your equipment. Of course, it can be replaced, for example, with AI-92. But in this case, it will not be able to realize its potential as a high-octane fuel.

Gasoline AI-80 is made by distillation of oil, adding additives. Petroleum products are used for the production of gasoline – oil and gas mixtures. Gasoline belongs to the group of light petroleum products, so its extraction and conversion takes place under conditions of high pressure and temperature.
Oil is processed at oil refineries. The first stage is distillation, which produces an oil alcohol. Next, fractional processing of alcohol oil takes place in the coke unit, where gasoline is obtained.
Gasoline is a mixture of alkanes containing 60 to 90% ethanol.
The gasoline production process depends on the technology used in the refinery. This technology determines the quality standards and parameters of gasoline.

Gasoline AI-80 complies with GOST 32513-2013. It has a maximum octane number (MON) of 80. This means that 80% of this gasoline consists of oil fractions with octane numbers from 70 to 86.
Gasoline is characterized by a high degree of purification and compressibility, low content of aromatic hydrocarbons.
This type of fuel has a higher viscosity and density. This means that gasoline will not burn as well in the car engine as others. It also has a higher pour point.
If you want to buy high-quality gasoline, then contact the PetroPrime fuel company, where you can buy AI-80 gasoline at an affordable price. You can find more detailed information on the official website, as well as place an order.